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Evacuation Plan for Fire: 5 Steps to Creating a Perfect Fire Escape Plan

Fire safety is integral for living comfortably and peacefully at home. Installing a high-quality fire safety system is a smart move, but it is important to have an escape plan as well. Fire can spread pretty quickly, and there is little time to think. People often get injured because they are not prepared and they panic when they see a fire.

Fire safety Escape

You can get a fire safety risk assessment certificate to ensure your house is free of fire hazards. It is also essential that all house members are ready to handle a fire emergency.

Here are a few steps to help you come up with a solid fire escape plan and ensure home fire safety.

Step 1: Prepare all Family Members in Advance

Firstly, it is important to understand the importance of involving the whole family. Fire accidents are common. You can minimize the damage of the fire accident by preparing all the house occupants. 

You should gather all the family members and walk through the house. Identify all the possible exits and point them out. Make sure that everyone knows about the escape routes and how they can reach them in case of a fire.

Step 2: Draw a Floor Plan

Draw a floor plan for the house. The floor plan should indicate two possible ways to get out of the room. Make sure that you share the floor plan with all family members. They need to be clear about the routes they need to take to get to safety. 

When you are creating a fire safety plan, make sure that you consider all family members. The toddlers, adults and disabled people need special attention. Make sure you assign people to assist them in case of emergency.

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Step 3: Keep Smoke Alarms Functional

Smoke alarms are an important part of the fire safety system. The smoke produced during a fire is extremely dangerous for health so it is important to avoid inhaling it. It is significant that all the family members understand the importance and functionality of smoke alarms. Test the smoke alarms as well, so that family members are familiar with the sound.

fire escape Plan

Family members on the second story should have access to the emergency escape ladder. The ladder should be accessible through the window. You should practice using and retrieving ladder with adult supervision.

Step 4: Decide a Meeting Point

fire Escape Meeting Point

A house fire is scary, and it is easy to panic. It is essential that you decide on a meeting point. It will make sure that everyone knows where to go once they get out of the house. In case of a fire, it is important to know that all the family members are safe and sound. Once everyone reaches the meetup spot, you should call the emergency number. Never go inside the house and let the professionals put out the fire.

Step 5: Practice the Escape Plan

After making the fire escape plan, you should put the plan to test. Practice evacuating the house and note down the time it takes you to get to safety. While practising, you should rehearse all the important steps. Practice checking doorknobs and handles to see if they are hot or not. Check the whole escape route to make sure that it is safe.

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