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PAT Testing For Rental Properties – Common Questions

If you’re renting out a property or plan on selling it, you should be aware that you’re liable for PAT testing the property.

What is PAT Testing?

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing) is the process of checking the safety features of an electrical appliance, this is carried out by both visual inspection and electronic testing.


Appliances that have passed PAT testing are safe to use until the appliances next testing date. The certified electrician carrying out the tests will attach a sticker that will clearly indicate PAT test results, being PASS or FAIL.

Learn more about PAT Testing.

Landlord PAT Testing

As a landlord, it’s very important that you ensure the property is completely safe before renting out the premises. Failing to PAT test rented property, as a landlord, can lead to legal penalties and liability for further damages that your tenants may have occurred. Whether your property is commercial or domestic you should aim to hire a certified electrician to carry out PAT testing on relevant appliances.

Failing to PAT test rented property, as a landlord, can lead to legal penalties and liability for further damages that your tenants may have occurred.

How long do PAT Tests remain valid?

In most circumstances it’s 12 months between PAT tests, this can be extended to 24 months as well as reduced to 6 months depending on the condition of the equipment used.

PAT Testing Schedule

PAT Test Schedule

Something that is often not made clear is the frequency that you can PAT test appliances, in short, there is no specific amount of time required between tests, it very much depends on the appliance usage, you could repeat the testing after 6 weeks, 1 month or every 6 months.

Why Appliances should be involved in PAT Testing?

PAT testing ensures the safety of those using the appliance, whether it’s the next owner of the property or your tenants. It’s a legal responsibility to carry out landlord PAT testing for your rental property or if you plan on selling the property.

PAT Testing - What's Included

List of Appliances for PAT Test

It’s worth noting that PAT testing is not compulsory for private landlords or people who are buying homes to live in.

How to Visually Inspect the Appliance:

When you hire a certified PAT tester they will visually check the appliances, this normally allows them to quickly locate the problem and understand possible solutions for repair when dealing with low-risk appliances you can carry out some visual tests yourself.

Visually inspect the low-risk appliances for any of the following:

  • Cracked or damaged plug or its casing
  • Damaged or broken wiring
  • Signs of overheating
  • Damage to the pins of the plug

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, visit PAT Testing or talk to our team.